Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2015 1.2.0 Final
من اقوى برامج الحمايه القادمه بقوة لعام 2015 من الشركة المشهورة اشامبو والمشهورة ببرامجها المميزة والتى لا غنى عنها لاى جهاز فى العالم فمع البرنامج تمتع بالامان والحمايه التامه من مخاطر الفيروسات
Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2015 - antivirus program from the well-known developer of software company Ashampoo. The program is designed to protect your computer from viruses, worms, Trojans and other malware. Ashampoo AntiVirus can operate in automatic mode, scanning the user's files and operating system components. Anti determines both known viruses and suspicious objects that may be potential carriers of viruses